I didn't start running until I was in my mid-twenties, and when I started, I didn't love it. In 2004, I trained for my first half-marathon, hoping to run it with my dad, a marathon-running maniac who didn't start running until he was 50! Frankly, I hated the training, running 10 miles all alone when you don't love running isn't the greatest. After the half-marathon, I basically wrote off the notion of running a marathon--no way was I going to do THAT training alone.
Fast forward to fall 2007, when happenstance brought me together with "the athletes." I learned that running could be fun if you did it right--stayed strong with weight training, cross-trained, mixed it up with long runs and interval training, and, most importantly, ran with fun, smart, interesting women. So, I find myself training for the New York City Marathon to raise money to teach children to lead active, healthy livestyles (something I wish I learned before I was 25!). And, I can tell you that the reason I run is because I like it! Who knew that the little round-faced girl in the photo above would turn into this lady below:

WOW. You.Are.Amazing. That's the best post ever! I'm so so glad to be one of your teammates. You inspire me (that is when my stomach is not cramping up from laughing so hard at your stories - then I'm just in awe).
Here here to inspiring dads and lots of laughs with my running girls!
I can't believe you're referring to me as an athlete. I feel so honored. No one has ever called me that before!
Girl you better, STEEEE-YUP, to that finish line! That photo of you is so cute!
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