Thus far, my main "training injury" has been a recurring blister on my second left toe. It sounds relatively minor, but it nearly took me down on our 14-mile training run last Friday (I''ll the story of the fabled 14-mile run for another day--it did, however, involve traversing water). I'd tried everything to get rid of this blister--moleskin, body glide, vaseline--but, nothing had worked. So, while at the store to buy yet another pair of running shoes, I asked for tips. It turns out that the answer to my blister problems could be found not at the fancy running store I'd been frequenting, but at Harris Teeter, CVS, and Rite Aid. Meet the toe protector:

For just $3.00, my toe problems are solved. I just ran 6 miles using this little guy and the feeling of knives stabbing my toe that I was previously dealing with is no more.
I heart toe protectors!!
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